Are you tired of the same old recycled solutions to the problems plaguing education in America? Are you exhausted with the endless professional developments that are long on talk and short on action? Are you tired of being in an education echo chamber that has a monopoly on mediocrity? If you answered yes to one ore more of those question, it is clear that Joe Murray Enterprises, LLC is for you!
Joe Murray Enterprises, LLC (JME) is an educational and legal consulting corporation founded by lawyer, educator, and columnist, Joseph R. Murray, II. Mr. Murray is an accomplished attorney who has litigated cases that have attracted international attention and he is an award winning educator who understands what it is like to be in the educational trenches. With years of experience in both the courtroom and classroom, Mr. Murray, as well as the other professionals at JME, are here to help educators, administrators, school attorneys, school board members, and any other individual in educational/legal roles by providing professional develop programs that include, but not limited to:
Joe Murray Enterprises, LLC (JME) is an educational and legal consulting corporation founded by lawyer, educator, and columnist, Joseph R. Murray, II. Mr. Murray is an accomplished attorney who has litigated cases that have attracted international attention and he is an award winning educator who understands what it is like to be in the educational trenches. With years of experience in both the courtroom and classroom, Mr. Murray, as well as the other professionals at JME, are here to help educators, administrators, school attorneys, school board members, and any other individual in educational/legal roles by providing professional develop programs that include, but not limited to:
Each program is tailored designed to fit your needs. If you want outside the box thinking for your school district, or educational community, JME is your perfect match and it will create the perfect program for you. Contact us for a free consultation in building a perfect program to benefit your district, school, and/or teachers!
Also, be sure to check out JME's new project, "TAKE BACK EDUCATION" for ideas to bring your school to the next level. You will not be disappointed!
Also, be sure to check out JME's new project, "TAKE BACK EDUCATION" for ideas to bring your school to the next level. You will not be disappointed!
![]() Joe has lived an interesting life. He has worked for conservative tycoons such as Pat Buchanan, Don Wildmon (American Family Association), and Alan Sears (Alliance Defending Freedom), but Joe is gay. In "Odd Man Out," Joe explains that identity politics is crippling an already divided nation. To hammer this point home, Joe uses his life story. He points out that the Christian Right and the Gay Left have created an arbitrary dialogue that is divisive in nature and meant to maintain an "us vs. them" mentality. It is time for a change! "Odd Man Out" is available for sale on Amazon.com, and it has people talking on the Left & the Right! Be part of the conversation and get your copy of "Odd Man Out" today!
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